Events & Festivals
World Population Day 2023: Quotes, Wishes, History and Significance

On July 11, the entire world celebrates world population day. We all must increase consciousness about the reproductive health needs and susceptibilities of women. And during the pandemic, the need for the same is even more. The day focuses on the importance and urgency of population issues worldwide.
In 1989 the governing council of the United nation development Program established the day. And ever since, population day is making people aware of their relations to the environment and development. Population Day Quotes.
What Is the Background of World Population Day?
The celebration of world population day is taking place for more than three decades now. The day focuses on increased awareness about the need to find solutions related to the growing population. On July 11, 1987, the celebration of “Five Billion Day” inspired world population day. On July 11, 1987, the world’s population reached 5 billion. Population day aims to draw people’s attention to the consequences of population issues and how it affects overall development.
The growing population is indeed a threat to natural resources. It also destroys the sustainability of the world. When world population day started being celebrated, it also looked at the opportunity to celebrate the spirit of brotherhood.
Some Facts You Must Know About World’s Population
- The life expectancy of people is growing continuously. In 2000 the worldwide life expectancy rate was 67 years old. In 2015 the number increased to 71 years old. And the prediction says that by the end of 2050, the life expectancy rate will increase to 77 years old.
- The world’s population is growing fast. And As for the estimate, every year, the population growth is approximately 83 million.
- Since the 1960s, the fertility rate has dropped. It is surprising to know that despite the fact the population rates are growing.
Why Celebrate World Population Day?
The population worldwide is growing out of control. And it is necessary to spread awareness about family planning. This is the only way to counteract poverty and to ensure proper maternity care. The existing population growth is causing heinous crimes in many parts of the world. And we are experiencing issues related to human rights and gender equality. As more people come into the world, there are more and more right violations such as child labor and human trafficking.
Celebrating world population day is a reminder to ourselves that we are a part of an ever-growing world. We also need to ensure that there is a great future ahead, and we need to take care of that altogether.
World Population Day Quotes
“By improving health, empowering women, population growth comes down.” — Bill Gates
“ Yet food is something that is taken for granted by most world leaders despite the fact that more than half of the population of the world is hungry. ” — Norman Borlaug
“Our human population continues to expand at such a scary rate – it’s unbelievable.” — Bindi Irwin
“We need to continue to decrease the growth rate of the Global Population. The Plant can not support many more people.”
“The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man.” — Thomas Malthus
“Our object must be to bring our territory into harmony with the numbers of our population.”

Empowering wishes for World Population Day
“Population growth is the primary source of environmental damage.” — Jacques Yves Cousteau
“To save the world, to protect the tomorrow, we have to control the population today.”
“Population has become the greatest challenge for mankind, and we must act towards it. Happy World Population Day to you.”
“A finite world can support only a finite population; therefore, population growth must eventually equal zero.” — Garrett Hardin
World Population Inspiring Quotes
“The Power Of Population Is Indefinitely Greater Than The Power In The Earth To Produce Subsistence For Man.”
“Our Human Population Continues To Expand At Such A Scary Rate – It’s Unbelievable.” — Bindi Irwin
“We Need To Continue To Decrease The Growth Rate Of The Global Population. The Plant Can Not Support Many More People.”
“Population Growth And Development Place Additional Stress On The Nation’s Water Infrastructure And Its Ability To Sustain Hard-Won Water Quality Gains.” — Jerry Costello
“Population Growth Is Not Respecting Water-Management District Boundaries.” — Colleen Castille
“Population Growth Is The Primary Source Of Environmental Damage.”

Hopeful wishes for a balanced and healthy global population
“When The Family Is Small, Whatever Little They Have They Are Able To Share. There Is Peace.” — Philip Njuguna
“Times Are Gone When We Could Relax And Take It Easy. It Is Time To Act And Act Strongly To Control The Growth Of The Population To Help Our Coming Generations.”
“To Save The World, To Protect The Tomorrow, We Have To Control The Population Today.”
“Rapid Population Growth And Technological Innovation, Combined With Our Lack Of Understanding About How The Natural Systems Of Which We Are A Part Work, Have Created A Mess.”
World Population Day Wishes
“If we have to save the earth and ourselves, then we have to reduce the population growth, Happy World Population Day.”
“Empower people, develop nations. Control population and celebrate this World Population Day.”
“Everything becomes easy with everyone’s cooperation, together we will fight this problem, Happy World Population Day.”
“Earth is the best place to live, but due to the increase in population, the earth is becoming a burden.”
“We need to spread awareness about population growth by bringing the world together, Happy World Population Day.”
“Take care of the children that we already have instead of increasing the population. Wish you a very happy World Population Day.”

Messages on promoting gender equality and women’s rights
“Best Wishes on World Population Day for everyone. Smart planning of population can be the best gift for our children.”
“Control overpopulation to remain away from starvation. World Population Day!.”
“When the family is small, they are able to share what they have, Happy World Population Day.”
“The best way for the good of the world is that we all control the population growth and together do good to the world, Happy World Population Day.”
World Population Day Messages & Slogans
“Work towards raising awareness against overpopulation to save our planet, Happy World Population Day.”
“Take part in World Population Day campaign to save Earth from becoming overcrowded.”
“Better to control the population than seeing it receding by nature or man-made disaster.”
“Fewer children, small family, this is the basis of progress.”
“Adopting a child is a much better idea than giving birth to a child.”
“Save the planet by not overflowing it with people. Enjoy the World Population Day.”
“Be responsible to manage the population before nature takes the responsibility into its hand.”
“Celebrate World Population Day to enjoy lesser crowd in future.”
“Resources for all, happiness for all…. Let us control the ever-growing population!!!”

Quotes on sustainable population growth
“Make a wish on World Population Day to enjoy a future that is less crowded.”
“The best decision is to raise a balanced family.”
“If you wish to have more than two children, then adoption is the best thing to do.”
“It is very easy to add more heads to the world, but very difficult to maintain them.”
“Enjoy the future tomorrow by controlling the population today.”
“Control overpopulation to have space and resources for one and all.”
World Population Day Sayings & Greetings
“Population has become the greatest challenge for mankind and we must act towards it. Happy World Population Day to you.”
“Excessive (population) growth may reduce output per worker, repress levels of living for the masses and engender strife.”
“The strongest witness is the vast population of the Earth to which we are a burden and she scarcely can provide for our needs.”
“If we are not going to be taking measures on controlling population then there is no point celebrating World Population Day.”
“World Population Day is a reminder to all of us that we need to join hands to control it before it is too late. Let us wake up. Happy World Population Day.”
“There are limited resources and land but then there is a population growing beyond limits. Happy World Population Day to you.”
“The world needs to control the explosion of population or one day it is going to explode. Happy World Population Day.”
“Each and every effort made towards controlling world population must be appreciated. Wishing a very Happy World Population Day.”
“Without controlling the population, we cannot control the world from getting destroyed. Happy World Population Day to you.”
“Overpopulation can cause as many problems as we cannot even imagine. Wishing a very Happy World Population Day to everyone.”
“Empower People, Develop Nations. Control Population And Celebrate This World Population Day.”

Quotes on addressing overpopulation and environmental sustainability
The first thing that we all can do to celebrate world population day is to make sure that we are doing our family planning right. There are many places in the world with unrestrained population growth. That happens due to the lack of enough preventive measures. If you are lucky enough to know about birth control and maternal health, make sure you take advantage of your privileges. If you can help and support those areas that don’t have access to those materials, you can be a part of educating them. Together we can make this world to be a better place for all of us.
Other ways of celebrating world population day are to raise awareness about the issues related to the population. You can use your social media or blog to raise awareness about the population issues. That is one of the best steps we can take to prevent them. There are great infographics and fact sheets available on the Internet, and all you need to do is to share those with your friends, family, and followers.
You can also send this 11th July World Population Day Quotes, Wishes, Messages & Slogans article to your friends to be aware of World Population Day.
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