Depression Quotes That Will Make You Feel Less Alone

Depression Quotes
“Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also more hard to bear.”
“It is very hard to explain to people who have never known serious depression or anxiety the sheer continuous intensity of it. There is no off switch.” – Matt Haig
“Depression, suffering and anger are all part of being human.” – Janet Fitch
“Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not, and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.”
“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.” ― Laurell K. Hamilton
“Depression on my left. Loneliness on my right. They don’t need to show me their badges. I know these guys very well.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert
“Maybe we all have darkness inside us and some of us are better at dealing with it than others.”

Unique Quotes About Depression Quotes
“Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not, and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.”
“A big part of depression is feeling really lonely, even if you’re in a room full of a million people.”
“I found that with depression, one of the most important things you could realize is that you’re not alone.” — Dwayne Johnson
“I wanted to write down exactly what I felt but somehow the paper stayed empty and I could not have described it any better.”
Depression Quotes On Love
“I have depression, But i prefer to say “i Battle” depression instead of “I Suffer” with it. Because depression hits, but i hit back. Battle on.”
“I go through a lot of depression, and I know other people do, too, but I have an outlet that so many people don’t. If you have that inside of you and can’t get it out, what do you do.”
“We hide to try our feelings, but we forget that our eyes speak.”
“Today my forest is dark. The trees are sad and all the butterflies have broken wings.”
“No one realizes how strong someone with depression has to be just to do daily stuff like shower, brush hair or get out of bed.”
“What people never understand is that depression isn’t about the outside; it’s about the inside.”
“Mental illness is so much more complicated than any pill that any mortal could invent.”

Depression Quotes To Be Stay Motivated
“Depression, for me, has been a couple of different things – but the first time I felt it, I felt helpless, hopeless, and things I had never felt before. I lost myself and my will to live.” — Ginger Zee
“When people don’t know exactly what depression is, they can be judgmental.” – Marion Cotillard
“Depression makes you want to hide inside yourself. But hiding your feelings (or lack of feeling, numbness) won’t help you get well.”
“Hold on to this hope: You can get better from depression.”
Depression Uplifting Quotes
“A big part of depression is feeling really lonely, even if you’re in a room full of a million people.”
“I am bent, but not broken. I am scarred, but not disfigured. I am sad, but not hopeless. I am tired, but not powerless. I am angry, but not bitter. I am depressed, but not giving up.”
“When you’re depressed you don’t control your thoughts, your thoughts control you. I wish people would understand this.”
“I’ll never forget how the depression and loneliness felt good and bad at the same time. Still does.”― Henry Rollins
“I have depression. But I prefer to say, ‘I battle’ depression instead of ‘I suffer’ with it. Because depression hits, but I hit back. Battle on.”
“You look happy, but you don’t feel happy. That’s what depression does to you.”

Latest Depression Quotes For Life To Handle
“When you suffer from depression, ‘I’m tired’ means a permanent state of exhaustion that sleep doesn’t fix.”
“A positive mental attitude can be difficult to muster when you’re depressed. Some days will be just as the above depression quote says: pretty miserable. But those days won’t last forever.
“Did you know that forcing yourself to be happy is a warning sign of depression? Talk about your feelings. Don’t force that smile.”
“I am bent, but not broken. I am scared, but not disfigured. I am sad, but not hopeless. I am tired, but not powerless. I am angry, but not bitter. Furthermore, I am depressed, but not giving up.”
Sad Quotes About Depression Quotes
“Mental illness is so much more complicated than and pill that any mortal could invent.”
“If you know someone who’s depressed, please resolve never to ask them why. Depression isn’t a straightforward response to a bad situation; depression just is, like the weather.”
“I have depression. But I prefer to say “I battle” depression instead of “I suffer” with it. Because depression hits, but I hit back. Battle on.”
“Whenever I have a good few months and I think I’ve got over the worst on my depression, it silently returns. This isn’t a battle I asked to fight. I’m tired of knowing it’s always coming back.”
“I am terrified by this dark thing That sleeps in me; All day I feel its soft, feathery turnings, its malignity.”

Sad Heart Breaking Depression Quotes
“Depression is like a bruise that never goes away. A bruise in your mind. You just got to be careful not to touch it where it hurts. It’s always there, though.”
“Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not, and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.”
“If you could read my mind, you wouldn’t be smiling.”
“They always call depression the blues, but I would have been happy to wake to a periwinkle outlook. Depression to me is urine yellow, washed out, exhausted miles of weak piss.”
“The hardest thing about depression is that it is addictive. It begins to feel uncomfortable not to be depressed. You feel guilty for feeling happy.”
“Perhaps depression is caused by asking oneself too many unanswerable questions.”s
Depression Quotes About Life
“Losing your life is not the worst thing that can happen. The worst thing is to lose your reason for living.”
“In the silence of the night, I have often wished for just a few words of love from one man, rather than the applause of thousands of people.” ― Judy Garland
“Dead, but not allowed to die. Alive, but as good as dead.”
“Almost everyone is overconfident—except the people who are depressed, and they tend to be realists.”
“There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.”
“No one realizes how strong someone with depression has to be just to do daily stuff like shower, brush hair or get out of bed.”
“Depression is being colour-blind and constantly told how colourful the world is.”
“Mental illness is so much more complicated than any pill that any mortal could invent.”
“When people don’t know exactly what depression is, they can be judgmental.”
“That is all I want in life: for this pain to seem purposeful.”
“You’re not a bad person for the ways you tried to kill your sadness.”
“I don’t want to do anything. I don’t even want to start this day because then I’ll just be expected to finish it.”
“Depression, suffering and anger are all part of being human.”
“Depression is being colour-blind and constantly told how colourful the world is.”
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