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Happy Marriage Quotes That Will Get You Excited For Marriage



The famous and long-standing quote ‘Love is Blind’ is well-known to all. But do you know, ‘marriage is the real eye-opener’Marriage is a term of the relationship as being a great gift two people share with one another, not of bondage, but rather of opportunity. your love could be rich and full providing a fertile ground for growth self-expression and fulfillment. Marriage is not just an agreement between two people to live life together. A good marriage must be created. In marriage, the little things are the big things. Remember You’re never too old to hold hands.

Say “I love you” at the end of each day Never go to bed angry Speak words of appreciation and demonstrate gratitude in thoughtful ways Forgive and forget Give each other a safe place in which to grow It’s not only marrying the right person, it’s being the right person for your spouse. marriage wasn’t meant to be so complicated or difficult that only a few could do it successfully.

It’s within the reach of nearly everyone. It’s also what will make most people happiest and their lives the most meaningful, productive, and satisfying, inspirational quotes about marriage because it’s a basic part of God’s plan for mankind.

However, to love your marriage, you need to love yourself first. Here’re a few marriage quotes to motivate you to love yourself and quotes about marriage.

Best Marriage Quotes

“A marriage is a gift. It should be opened up and enjoyed.”

Best Marriage Quotes

“You cannot make your marriage all good by yourself! But you can make it better all by yourself.”

“A good marriage is each for the other and two against the world.”

“Marriage alliance of two people, one of whom never remembers birthdays and the other who never forgets them.”

“Every marriage is a work in progress which requires daily care and attention.”


“If you want a better marriage. Make sure that you are willing to change.”

Happy Marriage Quotes To Celebrate

Happy Marriage Quotes To Celebrate

“A happy marriage has in it all the pleasures of a friendship, all the enjoyments of sense and reason and indeed, all the sweets of life.”

“The more you invest in a marriage, the more valuable it becomes.”

“Marriage is not just spiritual communion, it is also remembering to take out the trash.”

“Marriages survive when partners prioritize their marital relationship over other interpersonal relationships.” — Julie Smith

Inspiring Quotes On Marriage

“A healthy marriage isn’t always easy, but it’s well worth fighting for..!”

Inspiring Quotes On Marriage

“Marriage, at its core, is all about respect for the other person – and respect goes both ways.” — Dr. Kevin Leman

“Then if marriage is not a contract, what is it? It is an unconditional commitment into which a man and woman enter for life.” — H. Norman Wright

“Placing blame in marriage is like saying, “Your side of the boat is sinking.” — Hank Smith

“Marriage must incessantly contend with a monster that devours everything: familiarity.”

Happy Marriage To Be Always Forever

Happy Marriage To Be Always Forever

“Marriage to Fernando offered shelter and security, but the shackle was the price I’d pay.”

“Marriage doesn’t make you happy – you make your marriage happy.”

“Marriage is meant to keep people together, not just when things are good, but particularly when they are not. That’s why we take marriage vows, not wishes.”


“A marriage is like a house. When a light bulb goes out, you do not go and buy a new house, you fix the light bulb.”

“A marriage might be made in heaven but the maintenance work has to be done here on earth.”

Beautiful Marriage Quotes

“A Successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.”

Beautiful Marriage Quotes

“The greatest marriages are built on teamwork. Mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration, and a never-ending portion of love and grace.”

“In marriage do thou be wise: prefer the person before money, virtue before beauty, the mind before the body; then thou hast a wife, a friend, a companion, a second self.”

“The heart of marriage is memories; and if the two of you happen to have the same ones and can savor your reruns, then your marriage is a gift from the gods.”

“A good marriage is one which allows for change and growth in the individuals and in the way they express their love.”

Happy Marriage Messages To Share

Happy Marriage Messages To Share

“In marriage do thou be wise: prefer the person before money, virtue before beauty, the mind before the body; then thou hast a wife, a friend, a companion, a second self.”

“In every marriage more than a week old, there are grounds for divorce. The trick is to find and continue to find, grounds for marriage.”

“The greatest marriages are built on teamwork. Mutual respect, a healthy dose of admiration, and a never-ending portion of love and grace.”

“The real act of marriage takes place in the heart, not in the ballroom or church or synagogue. It’s a choice you make.”


Best Love Marriage Quotes

“Loving yourself is the nitty-gritty of a successful life, contented marriage, and an agreeable standard of living.” 

Love Marriage Quotes

“Love’s about finding the one person who makes your heart complete and a better person than you ever dreamed you could be.”

“Lovers who have nothing else to do but love each other soon find there is nothing else.”

“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply.”

“When you love someone, you want to give them all of you, without holding anything back.”

Happy Marriage Inspiring Messages Sayings

Happy Marriage Inspiring Messages Sayings

“A happy and satisfactory life requires maintaining the career alongside a sustained marriage life and kids.”

“What measures a happy marriage is not how compatible you both are but how you both deal with the incompatibilities.”

“The real act of MARRIAGE takes place in the heart, not in the ballroom or church or synagogue. It’s a choice you make.”

“The heart of marriage is memories; and if the two of you happen to have the same ones and can savour your reruns, then your marriage is a gift from the gods.”

Best Famous Marriage Quotes

“It is always incomprehensible to a man that a woman should ever refuse an offer of marriage.”

Happy Marriage Wording To Enjoy The Moment

Happy Marriage Wording To Enjoy The Moment

“The stronger friendship you have with your spouse, the more successful marriage life you will live.”

“People ask what the secret of a happy marriage is. If there is one, it’s ‘don’t talk about it.”

“An original and genuine personality is worth more than a replicated one.” 


“Holding your spouse’s hand in public is just another way of saying that ‘you’ll be always there.”

“Arguments and dissimilar opinions make marriage more adaptable and easy-going.”

“A relationship never becomes perfect until you want it to be perfect!”

“When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody. You want the rest of your life to begin as soon as possible.”

“A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”

“A good marriage is the union of two good forgivers.”

Best Famous Marriage Quotes


Well, a successful marriage needs a whole of respect, love and an unfiltered sense of humour. But all through the years of marriage; things become complicated, your spouse becomes drearier, kids start impacting your lifestyle and communication, or sex is misplaced from the radar. And to save your relationship, both of you should step up and get sex back on track. 

To lead a successful and happy married life, you need to love yourself first and these Marriage Quotes Images will help you to achieve both simultaneously. Just keep these sayings in mind and life will become happier than ever.



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